Zümre Yalçinkaya


Personal Info

  • Born Date 1989
  • Born Pleace Izmir


Zümre Yalçinkaya is an actress, known for Azazil 2: Büyü (2016).

Zümre Yalçınkaya is a cinema, TV and theatre actress from Istanbul, Turkey. Born in Izmir in 1989, to date, she has participated in a few TV, cinema and theatre projects.

While in Izmir, Zümre attended a variety of theatre acting courses and participated in workshops led by prominent Turkish theatre actors (Devlet Tiyatrosu Sanatçılarından). She continued her theatre acting studies at the Başkent İletişim Bilimler Akademisi where she graduated with distinction. Later on her interests shifted to cinema acting and, consequently, she graduated from the MSM actor studio with yet another distinction.

Following her studies, Zümre acted in nearly a dozen short movies. She then played the role of the raped woman in Dario Fo’s play ‘I Don’t Move, I Don’t Scream, My Voice is Gone.’ Nowadays she lives in Istanbul where she’s acting in various TV series and cinema movies.

